How is the Secondary Market different from the other tools?
Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro is closed for new investments from 27 February 2023. If you invest using Portfolio Manager or Portfolio Pro, please note that the Secondary Market will remain open, and you’ll still receive loan payments from your portfolio. But you won’t be able to reinvest them into those two portfolios. However, you can transfer your portfolio to Go & Grow or Go & Grow Unlimited.
The Secondary Market is significantly different from our other automated or semi-automated services for buying peer-to-peer loans; it’s certainly the most time-consuming of all. With the exception of a few presets that you can set when selling your investments, nothing happens automatically here. You have to buy each loan manually. Therefore, engaging in the Secondary Market requires much more activity from you. Along with the API users, you also need the most know-how to be successful.
Please note: An increased amount of time is not equivalent to a higher return.