What is credit score and status?
Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro is closed for new investments from 27 February 2023. If you invest using Portfolio Manager or Portfolio Pro, please note that the Secondary Market will remain open, and you’ll still receive loan payments from your portfolio. But you won’t be able to reinvest them into those two portfolios. However, you can transfer your portfolio to Go & Grow or Go & Grow Unlimited.
The credit score is a numerical arrangement of the payment behavior of the borrower. It’s classified on a scale from 500 to 1,000 and provides an overview of the payment behavior over the last three years. The longer any payment issues have passed, the higher the number, with 1,000 indicating that no payment issues have been reported so far. Hover your mouse over the heading of the credit score to see what each of the numbers means.
The status indicates the current payment status of the loan. Current loans are green, overdue loans are orange (1-74 days) and defaulted loans are red (75+ days).