How can I use the Secondary Market criteria?
Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro is closed for new investments from 27 February 2023. If you invest using Portfolio Manager or Portfolio Pro, please note that the Secondary Market will remain open, and you’ll still receive loan payments from your portfolio. But you won’t be able to reinvest them into those two portfolios. However, you can transfer your portfolio to Go & Grow or Go & Grow Unlimited.
Important criteria; such as the Bondora Rating, interest rate, loan status, the future scheduled payments and the cost, are visible in the overview section. This is so you can get a quick and rough idea of the loans on offer.
For a more in-depth look at individual loans, as with your own investments, you can either click on the loan to see more information about the borrowers; their income and expenses, payment issues, and the loan schedule – or you can expand your overview with further features via the settings wheel in the top right corner of the page.
You can access more information by hovering your mouse over specific criteria.