What performance reports are available to investors?
To help you get the most out of your investment, we upload daily data sets that you can use to run your own portfolio analysis and adjust your investment strategy. All investors have access to the same performance reports.
You can download on-demand performance reports for freely chosen periods that cover:
- Investments dataset: Performance data on every loan in your portfolio
- Portfolio Cash Flow, PnL Statement and Balance Sheet: Allows you to see the total portfolio cash flow, PnL and Balance Sheet as of the end of each month.
- Historic Payments: Includes all received payments in euro, categorized by payment type, date and loan ID.
- Secondary Market Transactions History: Includes all of your transactions on the Secondary Market.
- Future Cashflows: Includes all scheduled payments in Euro, categories by payment type, date and loan ID.
The data is available for your portfolio as well as for all loans issued on Bondora. You can use them as a benchmark.
There are differences in available data points as well as the definitions behind different data points with similar labels. This is the result of developing our technology for more than a decade and implementing changes to better your investing experience. That’s why we need to consolidate the data sources through new technology that will allow us to resolve all data conflicts and discrepancies.
You can keep track of the changes through our data legende map available on the Public Reports page. This map shows which data points are available through which channels, the relevant label in Data Export, as well as the description. We have also included the previous label if there has been a change (highlighted in italic). Descriptions of removed data points are all set to [OBSOLETE].
Cells marked in green indicate that this data point is already available in the particular channel, whilst yellow cells mean it’s going to be released shortly. Most white cells will also soon be green, unless the particular data point is not available at the time the data source in question is being polled (E.g. it is not possible to show loans active late category when it is still on the Primary Market).
Please note: There might still be label changes in Data Export to harmonize it with labels used in the API. Thereafter, the labels in the API and Data Export will match. All used labels, including the label in our web user interface, will be made available through the legend to make cross-referencing easier.
For easy-to-digest summarized overviews, check out our blog for regular month-to-month updates.